
When conducting mediations, GENEVACCORD ADR follows the legal guidelines defined by swiss federal laws as well as the laws of the Canton and Republic of Geneva. We also take into consideration the many recommendations and guidelines of the European Community (EC) and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).

Swiss federal laws & laws of the Canton and Republic of Geneva (cantonal laws)

In Swiss law, mediation is ruled by the Code de procedure civile (CPC) du 19 decembre 2008, articles 213 a 218 et 297 al.2. (Civil Procedure Code, dating December 19th, 2008, articles 213 to 218 and 297 (Ch.2))

A special guideline regarding mediation with minor defendants can be found in the Loi federale sur la procedure penale applicable aux mineurs du 20 mars 2009 (PPMin), article 17 (Federal law on penal procedures applicable to minors, dating March 20th, 2009, article 17)

Constitution de la Republique et canton de Geneve (Cst-GE) (The Constitution of the Republic and Canton of Geneva) See articles 115 and 120 regarding mediation.

Reglements relatifs aux mediateurs penaux et civils (RMed - E 2 05.06) (Regulations in relation to penal and civil mediators)

French Laws

Loi francaise sur la mediation & la conciliation (French law regarding mediation & conciliation)

Decret n*2012-66 du 20 Janvier 2012 (Decree No.2012-66, dating January 20th, 2012) regarding amicable conflict resolution.

Belgian Laws

Loi belge du 21 fevrier 2005 sur la mediation civile (Belgian law regarding civil mediation, dating February 21st, 2005)

European guidelines

Code de conduite Europeen des mediateurs (European code of conduct for mediators)

Directive UE 2008-05.21 (Guideline UE 2008-05.21)

Reglement UE 524-2013 (Regulation UE 524-2013)

Directive UE 2013-11 (Guideline UE 2013-11)

According to the directive 28/ la CE du 21 mai 2008 (European Community guideline 28/52/ , dating May, 21st, 2008), mediation is a structured process through which two or more parties in conflict voluntarily attempt to reach an agreement with the help of a mediator. This process can be undertaken by the parties, suggested or ordered by a jurisdiction or prescribed by a member State.

The Resolution du Parlement Europeen du 13 septembre 2011 (European Parliament Resolution, dating September 13th, 2011) is intended to establish the above mentioned  guideline for member States.

WIPO recommendations

An abundance of information on mediation can be found on the official website of the Wold Intellectual Property Organization, which has also issued a regulation that revolves around the mediation process.